Simplify. Calculate your carbon footprint.
Simplify. I’ve already spoken to this in the coaching section, because I think it’s so important. Many people in the developed world, especially those of means, simply have too much stuff. The stuff becomes a distraction, and taking care of the stuff becomes a headache, then a nightmare. Purge, then purge, then purge again. Simplicity does not mean a life devoid of beauty, quality, or comfort. I am talking about a focus on quality rather than quantity.
I have found simplifying my home, transportation, clothes, eating, and hobbies has actually led to greater happiness—I believe due in part to less stress and more soul space. This mindshift eases the overall process of decarbonization: greater, rather than lesser, living.
To be clear—I find this incredibly challenging. I am great at getting after all the ways I can save energy using the smartest systems and technologies. Being quiet and enjoying just what is—that’s harder.
For more on this topic, I recommend Duane Elgin’s classic Voluntary Simplicity.
Calculate your carbon footprint. After reviewing the various online carbon calculators, I recommend coolclimate.org/calculator, created by the Cool Climate Network, a university-government-business-NGO partnership at UC Berkeley. Some general thoughts on this calculator:
I like the balance this calculator strikes between depth and ease-of-use. I appreciate its academic rigor and foundation in peer-reviewed, science-based information.
In addition to core carbon footprint items like travel, home, and food, this calculator includes your footprint for other goods and services, which some calculators don’t include.
If you do annual planning or financial review, this is a good time to recalculate your footprint and track it over time as part of your annual climate action planning. Save or print a copy of the footprint output.
Note that personal finance is not included in the calculator, but is a very important lever you have to reduce climate impacts.
Many people in the developed world, especially those of means, simply have too much stuff. The stuff becomes a distraction, and taking care of the stuff becomes a headache, then a nightmare.
Purge, then purge, then purge again. Simplicity does not mean a life devoid of beauty, quality, or comfort. I am talking about a focus on quality rather than quantity.
Reality based tips for successfully reducing your carbon footprint.
Calculate your
carbon footprint.
Easier but consequential
The max.